體適能中心 / 3F







各式健身器材 (台)
直立型室內健身車 14
斜臥型室內健身車 5
懸吊橢圓機 5
踏步機 4
伸展機 2
划船機 2
坐式划船訓練機 2
雙功能蝴蝶訓練機 2
蝴蝶機 2
胸部推舉機 2
半掛式深蹲架 2
二頭彎舉機 1
三頭肌訓練機 1
下背訓練機 1
大腿內縮訓練機 1

各式健身器材 (台)
大腿外展訓練機 1
大腿伸展機 1
大腿推蹬機 1
分動式上斜推舉訓練機 1
分動式仰臥推舉機 1
分動式雙臂下壓訓練機 1
可調式翻輪胎組 1
史密斯訓練機 1
多功能綜合訓練機 1
低位划船訓練機 1
坐式牧師椅訓練機 1
坐姿划船機 1
坐姿划船機 1
坐姿腿部彎曲機 1
肩部側舉訓練機 1
肩部推舉機 1

各式健身器材 (台)
肩部推舉機 1
胸部訓練機 1
高位下拉訓練機 1
健身雪橇車 1
啞鈴組 2 ~32kg 1
啞鈴組 2 ~32kg 1
掛片式45度斜蹬機 1
單雙槓訓練機 1
滑輪下拉訓練機 1
滑輪下拉機 1
腰部旋轉訓練機 1
腹部訓練機 1
臀部訓練機 1
腿部伸張訓練機 1
輔助深蹲訓練機 1
超級深蹲訓練機 1


每日 06:00 至 22:00(春節營運時間另公告於本中心官網公告處)


 全票 50元 / 60分鐘
學生票 45元/ 60分鐘
  75 元 / 90分鐘
 全票 100元 / 120分鐘
學生票 90元 / 120分鐘
月票 1,000 元 / 月 (月卡限本人使用)
INBODY檢測 200元/次


一、 使用時間將於一樓櫃台購票時開始計算,請注意自身票面時間。單次入場皆有15分鐘離場緩衝時間。
二、 請留意自身票面時間,若您無法順利出場,表示您已逾時(含記錄於票面上之時間無法出場者),逾時部分將一律進行補票,補票請洽3樓櫃檯人員,補票將以全票金額,25元(30分鐘)、50元(60分鐘)為計算單位。
三、 若已逾時確定不繼續使用者,請於完成補票後10分鐘內離場。
四、 若您是購買單次入場票券者,請注意單次入場票券僅限一次進出。若中途欲離場者請告知3樓櫃檯專員,由專員協助離場。
五、 基於個人衛生及健康考量,入場運動請務必攜帶毛巾,如未攜帶毛巾者恕無法進場。
六、 嚴禁非中心所屬教練進行私人教學,如有出現私人教學指導行為者,經勸導後,仍執意教學,本中心將錄影拍照蒐證並將教學者請出場外,以維護客人安全及本中心教學品質。
七、 請將物品放置於置物櫃內並上鎖。



歡迎來到本中心體適能區,在使⽤各項設施應注意自身健康及體⼒負荷情形。初次使⽤器材請先向現場教練詢問正確方法及姿勢,切勿擅自操作。 同時請瞭解並遵循各區使⽤規定,除須服從⼯作⼈員指導之外,亦應對⾃⾝安全及⾏為負全部責任。
Welcome to the physical fitness zone of this center. You should pay attention to your own health and physical load when using various facilities. When using the equipment for the first time, please ask the on-site coach for the correct method and posture. Do not operate it without authorization. At the same time, please understand and follow the usage regulations of each district. In addition to obeying the instructions of the staff, you should also take full responsibility for your own safety and conduct.
1. 為維護使⽤者權益,請愛惜本中⼼設備並遵守各項使⽤須知。
It is everyone's responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center's facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
2. 為維護使⽤安全,未滿16⾜歲禁⽌進入本區。
People under 16 years-old are not allowed to enter.
3. 公益時段為社會回饋服務,請使⽤者珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
4. 為維護個⼈健康及安全,當您計畫提⾼⾝體活動時,應⾃⾏完成健康檢查並請醫師建議適當之運動項⽬。運動前請主動告知您的健康狀況,如有需要時現場教練⽅能提供協助。
It is everyone's responsibility to have a physical checkup periodically so that your physician can suggest you the suitable types of exercises. For your personal health and safety reasons, please inform on-site instructor that you understand your health condition before you begin exercise in case you need assistance.
5. 患有⾼⾎壓、糖尿病、⼼臟病、傳染病、飯後⼀⼩時內、⾎壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不⾜時或其他任何⾝體不適者, 不建議使⽤本區設備。
People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility.
6. 入場⺠眾必須穿著有彈性或棉質有彈性運動服裝及軟底乾淨運動鞋,禁⽌穿著牛仔褲、西裝褲、休閒短褲、拖鞋、⽪鞋、⾼跟鞋、⽊屐或其他不合場地使⽤規定之鞋類或服裝進入。
Entrants must wear sportswear and soft-soled lace-up sneakers. Slippers, white shoes, high-heeled shoes, sandals, or other footwear or clothing that do not comply with the venue usage regulations are prohibited.
7. 嚴禁攜帶牲畜(導盲犬除外)或在本區吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、⼝香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場 (開⽔、礦泉⽔除外)。
It is strictly forbidden to bring livestock (except guide dogs) or smoke, drink, chew betel nuts, chewing sugar, and bring any food or drink into the area (except open water and mineral water).
8. 使⽤館內場地時,請注意使⽤時間,勿超時佔⽤(包括公益時段),尊重下⼀位使⽤者的權利。
Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
9. 個⼈物品請放置於開放式或投幣式置物櫃內,以便管理。置物櫃限當天使⽤(隔夜清空), 如有遺失請⾃⾏負責。
Please place all personal belongings in the open or coin lockers limited to the day. The center is not responsible for any lost items.
10. 體適能區所舉辦的各項活動請依規定報名參加。
Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
11. 嚴禁非中心所屬教練進行私人教學,如有出現私人教學指導行為者,經勸導後,仍執意教學,本中心將錄影拍照蒐證並將教學者請出場外,以維護客人安全及本中心教學品質。
It is strictly forbidden for non-center coaches to conduct private teaching. If there are private teaching and guidance behaviors, after persuasion, they still insist on teaching. The center will record and take photos for evidence and ask they to leave the venue to protect the safety of guests and the center teaching quality.
12. 如有租借、使⽤各項器材,使⽤完畢後請立即歸還並排列整⿑。
Please place any equipment which are rented or used back to their original positions after use.
13. 請依照器材使用方式進行器材使用,若因使⽤不當造成器材設備毀損,本中⼼有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)。
Please use the equipment in accordance with the way the equipment is used. If the equipment is damaged due to improper use, the center has the right to claim compensation for the damage. (please refer to equipment rental rules for details).
14. 使⽤器材前請先暖⾝,如需運動計畫或處⽅,請向現場教練洽詢。
Warming up and stretching are highly recommended before using any equipment. You may seek on-site professional help for exercise planning or consultation.
15. 如有任何不適,請立即通知現場⼯作⼈員。
Please notify the staff on-site should you feel ill at anytime.
16. 使⽤後請將設備歸回原位,並⾃⾏攜帶⽑⼱並以現場提供次氯酸水及擦拭布將器材上之汗⽔擦拭乾淨,⽅便他⼈使⽤。
Please return the equipment to its original position after use, and carry it by yourself, and use hypochlorous acid water and a wiping cloth provided on site to wipe the sweat off the equipment so that it is convenient for others to use.
17. 為維持場館環境及安全,如有違反使⽤須知、不聽從教練指導或規勸,又或個⼈因素影響他⼈權益時,本中⼼得立即禁⽌使⽤並要求離場。
In order to maintain the environment and safety of the venue, if there is a violation of the instructions for use, failure to follow the coach’s guidance or advice, or personal factors affecting the rights of others, the center shall immediately ban the use and request to leave the venue.
18. 本中⼼有權依現場實際情況增列或修改本使⽤須知。
The center has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.
